Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hey there! I'm in Tokyo, Japan how cool is that. I'm gonna tell you about the economy of Tokyo. Tokyo is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan and is located on the eastern side of the main island Honshu. The population of the prefecture exceeds 12 million. The prefecture is the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, the world's most populous metropolitan area with 35-39 million people and the world's largest metropolitan economy with a GDP of US$1.191 trllion at purchasing power parity in 2005. Tokyo was described by Saskia Sassen as one of the three "command centers" for the world economy, along with London and New York City. In 2009 Tokyo was named the world's most expensive city for expatriate employees, according to the Mercer Human Resource Consulting and Economist Intelligence Unit cost-of-living surveys and named the third Most Livable City and the World's Most Livable Megalopolis by international lifestyle magazine Monocle. I'll talk to you later but for now tata!
I got my picture at